Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I want one too!

My wife has a blog, and my sister-in-law has a blog, and Tom has a few blogs (and who doesn't want to be more like Tom!), so I decided I want one too! I have been thinking about what I wanted my subject matter to be...I LOVE cars, but that would get pretty boring for readers. I am an Interior Designer, but why would I give out design advise for free?! I need to make a living afterall. I am a father and a husband, but so are lots of people, and I really don't have anything to offer on that subject other what the ladies want you to and you'll be fine!

I decided to go with Jesus Christ, Politics, and some useless stuff, and here is why:

Jesus Christ: I am a christian...sort of. I go to the best church in the world, and the messages I hear there really inspire me to be a better Christian. I have a lot to learn, and I hope deciding to write will help me along my way. Also, even though I am not what most people would call "knowledgable" about Jesus and the Bible (Although I have seen Godspell MANY times, and it is a good cliff's notes version of the New Testament), I do have some strong opinions on what it means NOT to be a Christian, and I get very angry about those behaviors being used in the name of Christ. I am sure my "Jesus Christ" entries will be full of factual errors, so it will provide a fun oportunity for you readers to set me right, and for me to learn a little more!

Politics: I have never considered myself caring much about politics, but there have been 2 occations where I went on a facebook rampage concerning politics. I guess I do care sometimes! Anyhow, the other day, I had a republican say that I had made an "Intellegent, well thought out, fact supported argument" in the health care debate. That was a big catalyst for this blog...I got a Republican to admit there may be another valid viewpoint....HOLD THE PRESSES...IM'A GONNA START A BLOG! (Just kidding...I know there are a bunch of great Republicans out there...they just don't get any press time!)

Some useless stuff: I can't be expected to have enough opinions about the previous two subjects to fill a bunch of blog entries, so this is a catch-all for when I don't feel like being serious. It will probably be the catagory with the most posts.

SO that's it. I think tomorrow I'll start with an opinion about something and see how it goes.


  1. Good for you, Ryan! I look forward to your future entries.

  2. Excellent!! Looking forward to reading.

    PS: AHEM... AHEM... "my friend Jackie has a blog...."

  3. I honestly didn't know you post the links on facebook? If so...I never see them.

  4. I don't post the links on FB. But here's the link for you to get there:

