Monday, March 26, 2012

Are "Christians" Christian?

When Jesus was on earth, he didn’t spend all of his time petitioning the government to make laws so everyone would live the way God wanted them to. He didn’t smile and shake a bunch of hands to get elected as King, and then vote yay or nay to legislation that supported the “right” way to live. He didn’t go around trying to force people to act a certain way by picketing and taunting them. INSTEAD, he took the time to develop real relationships with people. ALL people. He made friends with the worst of them. He sacrificed his own wants and needs to be an EXAMPLE of how to live. He loved every person unconditionally, and then gave the credit to his father. Only through this self-sacrifice and love was he able to open people’s hearts so God could enter and change their lives.

Why is it that any Politician that takes two seconds to cast a certain vote is considered a champion for family values and a Christian, despite the way they live and treat others? Why is it that people or organizations that spend millions of dollars to lobby for laws, and hundreds of hours picketing, are considered Christians, despite the fact that they practice hate more than love?

What if all the MONEY spent trying to change a law was invested in counseling and educational programs. What if all of the TIME spent lobbying the government was instead spent developing REAL relationships with troubled youth and showing them how Christ can change a life?

You can’t save a person’s spirit by changing a law or casting a vote. It takes time, patience, and love. I am not a perfect Christian in any way, shape or form. But I try again every day to live the way Christ intended me to.

When you vote, try looking at the PERSON and how they live, not the votes they cast. When you join a church, try looking at how they treat people that are NOT yet Christians. When you meet someone, try showing the love Christ showed the people of his time, regardless of their thoughts or actions. If people claiming to be Christians actually acted the way Christ intended…imagine how many lives could be changed and saved.