Dumb Ass Banker #1: “I have an idea. Let’s give a bunch of mortgages to people who can’t afford it. Americans always want things they can’t afford. We will begin with a low interest rate to make them THINK they can afford the house, and in a couple of years the rate will skyrocket. It will make us look good on the income sheet and we can get really big bonuses and salaries.
Dumb Ass Banker #2: “That’s great, but what happens when they can’t pay it back.”
Dumb Ass Banker #1: “We will sell the loans to other Dumb Ass bankers before they fall apart. That way we can make MORE money, and have no liabilities.”
Dumb Ass Banker #2: “You’re a genius! It’ll be like a giant game of Hot Potato, and as long as we are not the ones holding the loans when everything falls apart, we can celebrate in our big Park Avenue apartment over some caviar and a bottle of Crystal.”
Person taking the loan: “I know I can’t afford this, but I WAN’T this house, and they are willing to give me the loan, so they must think I can afford it. I guess I’ll sign…I deserve this home.”
Bernie Madoff: “I am just going to lie to my investors and live it up while I can…seems easier.”
Ryan: “Oh dear…the banks failed and the stock market dropped. All the rich people now only have 20 million in the bank instead of 40 million so they need to cut back. No interior designing THIS year. I guess I’m out of a job”
There have been many cries of Socialism lately, and many cries that “Big Government” is ruining our free market economy. It true the national budget is in bad shape. It is true that our government is getting too big. But the biggest threat to our free market economy is not Democrats. It is not Republicans. It is greed.
Throughout history, the government has not been proactive in instituting controls on American people and industry. The controls that have been put into laws have mainly been a reaction to greedy people doing bad things to inflate their bank accounts. I know this, because I have Google!
EPA: Big companies figured out that they can make more money if they dump their waste in rivers and oceans. And they can save money producing goods if they use products that are harmful to peoples’ health. “Hey…by the time people figure out that we have ruined the environment, and killed them, we will have already made enough money to live the good life!”
Minimum Wage: Industries were making huge profits, and increasing production at an alarming rate. “Hey, the American people are desperate for work, and are willing to accept any offer. Let’s just keep these profits for ourselves…there are plenty of workers who are willing to do these jobs for next to nothing!”
Anti-trust Laws: Companies understood the free market. Competition leads to better quality and lower costs for consumers. “Hey…I know! Let’s buy up all of the competition. They will be happy because they get a big check, and we will be happy because we can charge whatever the hell we want. If someone needs the product, they will HAVE to buy it from us!”
Health Care: Insurance companies charge large premiums to cover the costs when their customers get sick. “Hey…I have an idea, we could make MORE money if we cancel people’s policies if they get sick. By the time they figure out that we are only protecting them if they don’t get too sick, we will have made our money” And even better, big companies like Walmart figured out they can look good by saying they offer their employees health insurance, and just leave out the part about the $2,000 deductible, which might as well be $1,000,000 when you are working for minimum wage. “Hey…who cares anyways…American’s are more concerned about getting toilet paper for 50 cents a roll than whether or not the companies they are buying from treat their employees well!”
Now I know right-wingers are going to say that I am just a bleeding heart liberal that hates rich people. This is not true. I love rich people. They are the reason I can have my career. I think that in America you should be able to make as much money as you want. So go ahead and make billions, AS LONG AS you are doing it honestly, and not at the expense of your employees and the environment.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
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